Annual reports
The report of operations and financial statements of the Victorian Asbestos Eradication Agency (VAEA) are included in WorkSafe Victoria's annual reports:
WorkSafe Annual Report 2022(opens in a new window)
WorkSafe Annual Report 2021(opens in a new window)
Gifts, benefits and hospitality
We publish our gifts, benefits and hospitality policy and registers in accordance with the requirements of the Victorian Public Sector Commission.
Date offered Determination Offer recipient Description of gift, benefit or hospitality Estimated or actual value of gift, benefit or hospitality Organisation name 25.10.23 Declined Chief Executive Officer 1 x ticket $25 Take on Board 29.1.24 Retained 2 x Operations staff 2 x water bottles and 1 x cap $150 Cine Productions 3.3.24 Retained A/Chief Executive Officer Book as thanks for conference keynote speech $100 FAMANZ 9.4.24 Retained A/Chief Executive Officer Seminar hospitality $30 SHK Asia Pacific 27.6.24 Declined A/Chief Executive Officer Travel and accommodation for keynote speech at conference, UK $5500 British Occupational Hygiene Society Date offered Determination Offer recipient Description of gift, benefit or hospitality Estimated or actual value of gift, benefit or hospitality Organisation name 11.11.22 Offer withdrawn Chief Executive Officer Return economy flights and 3 nights' accommodation for 2023 FAMANZ conference, NZ $1700 FAMANZ 19.1.23 Offer withdrawn Chief Executive Officer Costs to attend 2023 Abestonomy conference n/a Asbestonomy 9.2.23 Declined Chief Executive Officer 2 x charity-picnic tickets $50 SHK Asia Pacific 9.2.23 Declined Director, Policy and Engagement 2 x charity-picnic tickets $50 SHK Asia Pacific Date offered Determination Offer recipient Description of gift, benefit or hospitality Estimated or actual value of gift, benefit or hospitality Organisation name 28.3.2022 Declined Director, Operations 2022 Australian Grand Prix 4-day general admission pass $189 Smartsheet 12.4.2022 Declined Chief Executive Officer Return flight to Europe + 2 nights' accommodation $2074 Editions Cedille 27.4.2022 Retained Chief Executive Officer Flights $377 Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency 18.5.2022 Retained AIRSystem Data Lead Refreshments $52 Property Risk Australia 18.5.2022 Retained Technical Policy Adviser Refreshments <$50 Property Risk Australia 18.5.2022 Declined Technical Policy Adviser Refreshments <$50 Property Risk Australia 25.5.2022 Retained and passed to people in UK Chief Executive Officer 3 x Abestonomy conference admission tickets $480 Editions Cedille Date offered Determination Offer recipient Description of gift, benefit or hospitality Estimated or actual value of gift, benefit or hospitality Organisation name 14.12.2020 Retained Chief Executive Officer Industry launch $50 Michelson Alexander 18.12.2020 Declined Director, Operations 2 x floatation session $140 Cine Productions 18.12.2020 Declined AIRSystem Adoption Lead 2 x floatation session $140 Cine Productions What are gifts, benefits and hospitality?
Gifts are defined as free or heavily discounted items, intangible benefits or hospitality exceeding common courtesy that are offered to employees or Board members or employees in association with their work with the Victorian Asbestos Eradication Agency (VAEA).
Benefits are defined as preferential treatment, privileged access, favours or other advantage offered. They include invitations to sporting, cultural or social events, access to discounts and loyalty programs and promises of a new job. While their value may sometimes be difficult to quantify in dollars, they may be highly valued by the intended recipient and, therefore, used to influence their behaviour.
Hospitality is defined as the friendly reception and treatment of guests, ranging from offers of light refreshment at a business meeting to restaurant meals and sponsored travel and accommodation.
Offers and acceptance or gifts, benefits and hospitality
It is part of normal business practice for people or organisations to exchange tokens of esteem or to provide hospitality or entertainment to business associates.
Victorian Asbestos Eradication Agency (VAEA) employees and Board members must exercise great care in the receiving of offers and accepting of gifts, benefits and hospitality to ensure they do not compromise the integrity of the agency or create the impression of the VAEA’s integrity having been compromised.
It is expected that VAEA Board members and employees will exercise reasonable discretion and prudent judgement in relation to receiving gifts, benefits or hospitality.
In exercising your judgement, VAEA Board members and employees will be guided by the following:
- placing the public interest above their private interests
- not accepting gifts, benefits or hospitality that could raise a reasonable perception of or actual bias or preferential treatment
- not accepting offers from those about whom they are likely to make business decisions
- refusing gifts, benefits or hospitality that are money, items used in a similar way to money, or items easily converted to money.
For further guidance, please read the Victorian Public Sector Commission’s decision tree(opens in a new window) regarding gifts, benefits and hospitality.
It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish a gift, benefit and hospitality, so exercise judgement. Some examples of gifts or favours that have more than a nominal value and are subject to this policy are:
- lunches or dinners at which a specific work or business issue is a minor topic of discussion
(not all lunches and dinners are a gift or a benefit; for example, a meal in the course of a function for networking with industry peers or a seminar or training session is not a gift or benefit) - free or discounted tickets to sporting events or other entertainment
- free or discounted products for personal use, for example, wine, merchandise or services
- free or discounted travel and accommodation
- free or discounted use of facilitates such as gyms, conference rooms and car parking.
Recording receipt or offer of a gift, benefit or hospitality
Any VAEA Board member or employee who receives or is offered a gift, benefit or hospitality valued in excess of $50 or from an organisation with whom the VAEA has a commercial or professional engagement shall record the following information in the VAEA Gift, Benefit and Hospitality Register:
- nature of the gift, benefit or hospitality
- name of the individual (and, where relevant, the company or organisation) who offered the gift, benefit or hospitality
- date that the gift, benefit or hospitality was offered or received
- response by the VAEA Board member or employee (that is, was the gift, benefit or hospitality accepted or declined?)
- whether the offer of a gift, benefit or hospitality was a repeat offer.
The VAEA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will maintain the register which will be tabled at each VAEA Board meeting.
Providing hospitality
It is accepted that there will be times when it is appropriate for the VAEA to provide hospitality to external guests or VAEA employees or Board members.
In all cases, hospitality should be reasonable and balanced and ensure the responsible use of public funds. This means ensuring that hospitality costs are kept to a minimum and that catering or entertainment arrangements are appropriate for the nature of the event.
Providing alcohol
The VAEA CEO will decide whether alcohol will be available at a VAEA function. In making such a decision, the CEO will consider the requirements of the Responsible Service of Alcohol guidelines, the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Australian Alcohol Guidelines and Victoria's liquor laws.
Reporting to government
We report to the Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC on the progress of removal of identified asbestos from government-owned buildings in Victoria.